摘要 Brief 2019年10月,蓝睛灵顺利举办了第1届「绳上100」赛事,共开展3期常规活动,参与5次赛事,参加2场企业社会责任(CSR)活动。 In October 2019, Lanjingling successfully held the first ever beYoureyeS「Rope 100」 100km Relay Challenge, carried out 3 regular weekend activities, participated in 5 sport events, and arranged 2 Corporation Social Responsibility events.
文字 Writer:晓斌 Clark
翻译 Translator:弘毅 Yoyo
编辑 Editor:纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
做你的眼睛第186期至188期的常规陪跑活动于10月13日、20日、27日在闵行文化公园、世纪公园、新虹桥中心花园开展。10月13日、27日的常规活动后,开展了第5、6期英语角。 beYoureyeS 186th-188thregular weakened running activities took place on October 13th, October 20thand October 27that Minhang Cultural Park, Century Park and New Hongqiao Greenland respectively.

本月新加入了好几位带领大家学习英语的蓝睛灵,今后英语角活动将以入门的英语教材为基础,引导大家一起学对话,说英语。 The English corner became increasingly popular, with more and more Lanjingling joining to help others out, guiding them to conversate and speak English.

新视障伙伴刘根权在本月加入了蓝睛灵。近段时间,有好几位年长的视障伙伴和陪跑员加入蓝睛灵的队伍,扩充了蓝睛灵的陪走或慢跑队伍。 This month, LIU Genquan joined the Lanjingling community as a visually impaired runner. Several elder enthusiasts have also joined the community recently to be guide runners and visually impaired runners, increasing the number of walking / jogging teams.
English Corner: Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.
英语角:生活就像一匹马,不是你驾驭它,就是它驾驭你。 企业社会责任(CSR)活动 Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
晨辉代表蓝睛灵参加陶氏公司活动。 Chenhui attended the Dow Chemical Company’s event as the representative of beYoureyeS
10月16日下午,晨辉代表蓝睛灵来到陶氏公司,参加“对话陶氏全球首席人力资源官Karen Carter”的活动。本次活动的主题是分享陶氏包容与多样化发展。晨辉分享了他在蓝睛灵里发生的跑马和爱情故事。 In the afternoon of October 16th, Chenhui arrived at Dow Chemical Company as the representative of Lanjingling to attend the event “Q&A with Karen Carter, Chief Human Resource Executive of Dow Chemical Company”. The focus of this event is to share the ideology of Inclusion and Diversity Development with Dow Chemical Company. Chenhui shared his stories about Marathon running and love within the Lanjingling community.

蓝睛灵以官方公益合作伙伴身份参加2019秋季奇跑迪士尼 Lanjingling run in Automn 2019 Disney Inspiration Run as Official Charity Partnership

10月19日、20日,蓝睛灵作为2019年秋季奇跑迪士尼的官方公益合作伙伴参与比赛。两天时间,50位跑者和30位加油团队,共80位参与了2019秋季奇跑迪士尼。 On the 19thand 20thof October, Lanjingling participated in the Autumn 2019 Disney Inspiration Run as Official Charity Partner. Two days, 50 runners, 30 supporters. 80 in total participated this running event.
同时,蓝睛灵在主办方提供的专属公益帐篷下,宣传“运动无障碍”的理念,引导体验者亲身感知、了解视障者的世界。 On the same day, Lanjingling promoted its “Sport Accessibility” ideology in tents provided by the Sponsor, guiding people to substantially feel and learn about the world from the perspective of people with visually impairement.

赛后,主办方为蓝睛灵准备了大惊喜,上海迪士尼乐园门票,让蓝睛灵们体验了乐园的各种无障碍理念、设施和服务,也让蓝睛灵们在上海迪士尼乐园里感受到这个美丽和充满幻想的奇妙世界。 After race, Disney provided Lanjingling free tickets to Shanghai Disney Resort, giving Lanjingling runners the opportunity to get in touch of services and technologies that are designed to fit accessible purposes, and to fully experience the wonderous world of Disney Land.
绳上100 Rope 100
2019做你的眼睛「绳上100」百公里接力公益挑战赛圆满举行 2019 beYoureyeS 「Rope 100」 100 km relay challenge was successfully held
10月7日从上午8点至傍晚6点,蓝睛灵携手众多关注公益、支持运动无障碍的企业、团体和个人在顾村公园圆满举行了首届做你的眼睛「绳上100」百公里接力公益挑战赛,10人10小时接力挑战100km,同时实现团队筹款目标。 The “Rope 100” Relay Challenge is an initiative created in 2019 by Lanjingling in partnership with Shanghai Blind Association, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai Volunteer Service Foundation and Shanghai United Foundation. This sports fundraising event encourages visually impaired and unimpaired runners to form teams (Further categorized into corporate and public teams) of 10 participants and complete 100km relay running in 10 hours while raising funds from friends creatively. On October 7 from 8am to 6pm, Rope 100 was successfully held.

本赛事是蓝睛灵首次举办的大型公益融合赛事,同时也是国内第一场百公里接力跑的公益筹款活动。筹款用于支持视力障碍等残障者更好地参与公众体育运动,倡导运动无障碍与志愿服务精神。 “Rope 100” is the first ever sports charity-fundraising 100km relay event , to fill the blanks of accessible and inclusive running events in China. “Rope 100” raises funds for Lanjingling's beYoureyeS series activities, to support people with visual impairments and other PwDs to better participate in public sports, and to advocate sports accessibility and volunteerism.

共24只挑战100km的队伍,22只在10小时内完成100km挑战,23只完成了10小时挑战;3只挑战10km的青少年组团队,全员完成挑战。 Total 24 relay team to challenge 100km in 10hours. 22 of 24 100km relay Teams completed the 100km challenge in 10 hours, 23 of 24 completed run in 10 hours. All of 3 Junior relay Teams completed the 10km challenge.

在秋意盎然的公园里,参与者们不仅仅是跑步,在舞台上还有蓝睛灵以及专业演员的精彩表演和无障碍分享,这是一场充满挑战的体育赛事筹款活动,也是家人朋友们的一次野餐和郊游,更是一个充满期望的无障碍运动的未来的起点。 But this event was not just about running, there were also plentiful stirring performances by Lanjingling and speeches made by Lanjingling participants. Yes, it was a challenging sport event and a fund-raising charity event, but it’s also a welcoming and hospitable outing with friends and family, and the beginning of a hopeful and vibrant future of sport accessibility.

上马拉练进行时 Getting ready for Shanghai Marathon 今年有19组蓝睛灵参加上马的全马和健康跑。各组队伍纷纷在常规活动和平时约跑中不断磨合,为安全顺利地完赛做好充分的准备。 There are 19 Lanjingling teams in total signing up for the Shanghai Marathon this year. All teams are getting prepared in every possible occasion, for better cooperation, aiming for a guaranteed completion of the race.

虹桥镇职工趣味铁人三项挑战赛 Hongqiao Indoor Triathlon 10月13日,多位蓝睛灵参加了在虹桥爱琴海购物公园的下沉式广场举办的“迎进博、度国庆”2019虹桥镇职工趣味铁人三项挑战赛。 On the 13thof October, members of Lanjingling participated the “Chimport and National Holiday Special” 2019 Hongqiao Triathlon Race which took place in the Hongqiao Aegean Sea Plaza.

蓝睛灵伙伴们在现场的热烈气氛和动感音乐的感染下,努力拼搏,全都顺利完赛。 Lanjingling participants, motivated by the exhilarating atmosphere and dynamic music, all fought hard and completed the race.

上马10公里精英赛 Shanghai Marathon 10km Elite match 10月20日同一天,有两组蓝睛灵自发组织并参加了上马10公里精英赛。墨麒麟组以53分01秒完赛,虞滔组也以1小时06分的成绩完赛。 On the 20thof October, two teams of Lanjingling organized themselves to join the Shanghai Marathon 10km Elite match. The team led by MO Qilin completed the run in just 00:53:01 and the team led by YU Tao completed in 01:06:00

常熟尚湖半马 Shangshu Shanghu Half Marathon 10月27日,虞滔和李皓两个陪跑小组和众多陪跑员们一起参加常熟尚湖半马。本次比赛中,有多位蓝睛灵PB了个人的最好成绩。 On the 27thof October, YU Tao and LI Hao along with many guide runners, arrived at Changshu for Changshu Marathon. Through this race many Lanjingling surpassed their PB.

更重要的是,蓝睛灵通过近5年多的努力,让越来越多的跑友们看到和了解了视障陪跑,认同和鼓励蓝睛灵的人越来越多,一路上给蓝睛灵的加油声此起彼伏。蓝睛灵们成为了各大赛事中靓丽的无障碍风景线。 And most importantly, Lanjingling, with nearly 5 years of striving, had raised public awareness on the formerly overseen group of visually impaired individuals, letting more and more advocate and join the Lanjingling. With greets of shouts and screams along our way, we are gradually becoming the dazzling frontrunner of future accessible athleticism.

关于做你的眼睛: 做你的眼睛是一个民间自发的公益活动,于2015年1月发起,致力于推动运动无障碍,让视障者参与运动变得简单,让每个人都能享受运动带来的快乐。 无论视障者,还是健视者,我们都称呼彼此为蓝睛灵。蓝睛灵传达一个理念:在各种运动场所,在路跑、游泳、自行车、铁人三项等赛事中,身体有障碍但是热爱运动的人们都可以自由又自然的投入运动,参加比赛。 希望在赛场上,能够看到越来越多的蓝睛灵。 希望,运动无障碍。 beYoureyeS is a local NGO founded in January 2015 in Shanghai, China. beYoureyeS is dedicated to promote sports accessibility, make it easier for visually impaired people to enjoy sports. Let everyone enjoy sports. Whether a visually impaired runner or unimpaired runner, all of our participants are called "Lanjingling". Lanjingling conveys the spirit of our concept: our charity caters to a variety of sports, road running, swimming, cycling and triathlon, to list a few. With us, regardless of the physical impairment, those who wish to participate in a race, are able to. We hope to see you soon on the track and let's do something together for sports accessibility.
主页:www.beyoureyes.org.cn 邮箱:info@beyoureyes.org 微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.