摘要 Brief
In December 2019, we have opened the sign-up gateway for beYoureyeS 5thAnniversary and attended 2 international NGO conferences. We have carried out 5 regular weekend activities, 2 CSR activities and 3 specials.
文字 Writer:晓斌 Clark
翻译 Translator:宏毅Yoyo, 泱而Neville
编辑 Editor:纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
本月头条 The Biggest News!

From December 13th, the 5thAnniversary of beYoureyeS is open for enrollment!
Every year, every step, we pass together hand in hand. In this large family, love trickles and warmth prevails.

The Anniversary involves special activities and dinner party. There will be performances, lucky draw, award ceremonies, and of course, a variety of delicacies and wines. Thanks to all your support, your participation and devotion, thanks to every mile we ran together, every minute we spent together. Let our heart be charged with affection and celebration, let our cheek flush in thrill and happiness.
受邀参会 Attend Meetings
Lanjingling Attended GlobalGiving Shanghai Represenation Office 2019 Roundtable and Luncheon

At luncheon, December 4th, Lanjingling was invited to the GlobalGiving Shanghai Representation Office 2019 Round-table and Luncheon. Ken made a speech as the representative of beYoureyeS, introducing our major projects and cooperative goals in the futures.
Lanjingling Attended the First Anniversary of the ILO Global Business and Disabiliy Network - China Chapter (GBDN-China)

On December 4th, the first anniversity of International Laber Organization - Global Business and Disability Network - China Chapter (ILO GBDN-China) was successfully held in Shanghai. Sam and Xiaobin delivered speeches at the conference as visually impaired representatives of beYoureyeS, regarding current situations and thoughts on the lives of visually impaired individuals on a daily basis.

On December 5th, 3 members of Lanjingling attended the seminar on the second day of the annual conference, discussing people with disabilities’ employment issues with other representatives of corporations, organizations and education units; reaching the manifestation of specific plans and signing cooperation contracts. As partners of GBDN-China, Lanjingling will cooperate to take responsible for vocational training of people with disabilities in Eastern China.
The 192-196 beYoureyeS regular weekend running activities took place on December 1st, December 7th, December 15th, December 22nd, and December 29thin Century Park, Fengxian Marine Park, Tianshan Park and Huangxing Park respectively.

Hand in hand with China Veteran Marathon Club

On December 7th, Lanjingling, along with China Veteran Marathon Club, carried out a special running activity near Jinhai Lake in FengXian Marine Park(The Fish of Shanghai). We had steaming hot lunch under the cold, bright, winter sky; before going to the fields next to FengXian Museum to carry out running activity.

The Veterans first got trained as newcomers, and after that went running with numerous Lanjingling Groups, before taking a group photo together. We wish that in future Veteran Marathon Club will work with Lanjingling to promote sports accessibility.

GlobalGiving CEO Alix先生也参加了这次的活动并深受感染。接受蓝睛灵的培训并体验黑暗中奔跑。
Alix, CEO of GlobalGiving, invitationally joined this activity and attented the training. He was deeply impressed with the vibrant and inclusive atmosphere of beYoureyeS.

During the regular weekend activity on December 1st, Lanjingling welcomed a newcoming visually impaired runner SHI Zhijie. He is a sophomore student in Shanghai Normal University and has long wished to join our running events. On that day he felt genuine hospitality and our devotion in profession.

On the same day, YAN JialiN, a professor from Donghua University, earned her qualified guide runner identity for her professional and caring attitudes. She shared: the biggest impression I felt since joining this program is: other than superficially exercising through guide running, it’s the positive attitudes and the mutual trust and belief of members of this family that motivated me and touched me. What Lanjingling had pursued was the respect and equality of all members of society.
Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
International Day of Disabled Persons, beYoureyeS steps into Eaton CSR

On December 3rd, at Eaton Compony in Shanghai, Lanjingling brought Eaton Staff members a experiential inclusive activity on the subject of Inclusion and Accessibility.
The activity started at noon, Xuehui being the host. Lanjingling members shared their experiences and understandings on “Light the invisible path”. Chenhui’s experience of romance in Marathon got was particularly captivating and miraculous; Xiaobin talked about the essence, method and expectation of “Sports accessibility”; Sam shared his working experience in Apple and his thoughts on equal job opportunities and inclusive employment in a vivacious and interactive way.

After the first sharing session, Eaton’s staff members were grouped into two teams to participate experiential training. After experiencing the lives of the blind, they completed a fun Relay Race. Without vision in familiar places, some members were able to walk confidently while others turned exceptionally cautious and careful.

Through this deep experience, participants can feel the possible barriers and difficulties faced by visually impaired people when they go out and thus acquire better knowledge and experience in guide and help them in real life, which is one of the main goals of carrying out these CSR activities. To let more people understand how to correctly and safely guide visually impaired individuals, allowing more and more of them to be able to confidently and safely walk out of their homes into the streets in this vibrant society.

Voice of accessibility, Voice of Angel of Richemont

12月6日晚7点,两位蓝睛灵的表演嘉宾唐俊豪清亮的歌声和元元小朋友欢快的琵琶旋律,回响在第6届历峰新声音(Richemont Voice of Angel)员工歌唱比赛的舞台上。
At seven pm, December 6th, 2 members of Lanjingling musical performers, TANG Junhao and YUAN Yuan, had their resonant voice and melodic songs echoing in the theater, on the stage of the 6th “Richemont Voice of Angel” Staff talent show.This is the fourth consecutive year of Lanjingling’s participation in this event. All performances ended in waves of applause and cheering. Special gratitude to Richemont which donated all its ticket earnings to beYoureyeS, and thanks to their consistent support and accompany.
Special Events
beYoureyeS Story Shared in GlobalGiving Annual Meeting

全球赠与基金会GlobalGiving的CEO Alix先生受邀参加了12月7日蓝睛灵与中国老兵马拉松俱乐部联合开展的陪跑活动。Alix先生深受蓝睛灵的活力和融合气氛的感染。
Alix, CEO of GlobalGiving, invitationally joined the regular weekend activity of Lanjingling and China Veteran Marathon Club on December 7th. Alix was deeply impressed with the vibrant and inclusive atmosphere of beYoureyeS activities.

12月中旬,在华盛顿召开的GlobalGiving全球年会上, Alix先生向与会的董事及全球员工分享了蓝睛灵的故事。Alix先生表示,蓝睛灵“做你的眼睛”活动给他留下尤为深刻的印象。Alix也推荐大家关注蓝睛灵在中国开展的各类公益活动,并将提供更多的支持和帮助,让蓝睛灵的理念走得更久更远。
In mid-December, on the GlobalGiving Annual Meeting, Alix shared tales of Lanjingling with the board and the employees of GlobalGiving. Alix said, beYoureyeS activities deeply impressed him. He advised the audience to pay close attention to the charitable activities held by Lanjingling, to give more support, letting the journey of sports accessibility to long live in future.
Concert at Christmas Eve

At Christmas Eve 2019, 13 Lanjingling members arrived at the Theater of Shanghai Conservatory of Music for the “Professor ZHENG Shisheng 5thyear after death commemoration Concert”. The orchestral melodies brought joyful auditory experiences to the ears of Lanjingling members, setting a serene mood for Christmas Eve. Special thanks to organizations who provided free tickets to beYoureyeS.
Pinghe First-aid Cub Providing Medical Training for Lanjingling

In the afternoon of December 28th, the first aid club from Pinghe Bilingual School organized medical training sessions for Lanjingling, investigating and practicing first aid procedures in response to heat-beat halt, sun stroke and hypothermia, together with 20 Lanjingling members. All Lanjingling participants, no matter visually impaired or unimpaired, earned valuable knowledge on medical procedures. We can utilize and spread this knowledge in future days, taking part in the universal pursuit of sporting safety and first aid.
Thanks for your reading. We will see you next month.
beYoureyeS is a local NGO founded in January 2015 in Shanghai, China.
beYoureyeS is dedicated to promote sports accessibility, make it easier for visually impaired people to enjoy sports. Let everyone enjoy sports.
Whether a visually impaired runner or unimpaired runner, all of our participants are called "Lanjingling".
Lanjingling conveys the spirit of our concept: our charity caters to a variety of sports, road running, swimming, cycling and triathlon, to list a few. With us, regardless of the physical impairment, those who wish to participate in a race, are able to.
We hope to see you soon on the track and let's do something together for sports accessibility.
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.