摘要 Brief
On January 24th, 2021, Lanjingling turned six years old!
In January, Lanjingling carried out 4 regular weekend activities; carried out the 6th anniversary celebration event; attended an interview on AliPay’s accessible InfoSpace museum; participated in 2021’s first running contest; and carried out 5 ‘100 Days Engagement Program’ counseling sessions and 4 ‘Fitness 100’ virtual fitness sessions.
文字 Writer:晓斌 Clark
翻译 Translator:弘毅 Yoyo
编辑 Editor:纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
The Biggest News!
Lanjingling turned six!
On January 24th, 2021, Lanjingling turned six years old!

2021年1月24日上午,蓝睛灵小伙伴们自发在公园约跑半马距离,下午2点,做你的眼睛6周岁特别活动暨第四届beYoureyeS Happy 1km在闵行文化公园举行,由于疫情的原因,年会无法如期举办,但室外活动依旧开心无比。
In the morning of January 24th, members of Lanjingling ran a half-Marathon race at the park. At two o’clock, beYoureyeS 6th Anniversary Celebration, also the 4th beYoureyeS ‘Happy 1km’ event, was carried out in Minhang Cultural Park. The indoor celebration event was cancelled due to lockdown, but the outdoor events as effectively grabbed our participants’ favors.

活动开始,纪元讲述了做你的眼睛六年来的精彩故事,而晨辉、晓斌也逐渐成长起来独挡一面,北纬队长的 “答案就在脚下,在路上” 总结了一切。
Jiyuan shared some memorable stories on the six year hike that Lanjingling took, Chenhui and Xiaobin delivered a stance, and Beiwei’s ‘Answer Lies on the Road’ summarized all key points aforementioned.

beYoureyeS Happy 1km比赛是三人一组奔跑,如果组内均为健视者,其中一人要戴上眼罩奔跑,大家秉着安全第一,友谊第二,成绩随缘的原则热热闹闹地跑完1km。
beYoureyeS Happy 1km is a teamed event with groups of 3, where one member from each team is either visually impaired or blindfolded. Everyone followed the ‘safety first, sportsmanship second, and results let go’ doctrine, finishing the 1km run in a lighthearted ambiance.

After the sweat came the sweets. They shared food, sang birthday songs, and played games, warmth flowed over everyone’s heart.

The 230th to 233rd regular weekend activities were carried out on January 1st, 10th, 17th, and 24th respectively at Century Park and Minhang Cultural Park.

The 233rd event on January 24th took place in Puxi, whereas the other 3 activities were carried out in both Puxi and Pudong.
No activity was scheduled on the 31st due to the approaching holiday.

On the 231st activity on January 10th, Yijia Zhou and Lijun Yin successfully passed the test to become Dabai.

On January 1st, Lanjingling participated in the 2021 ‘Run The Track’ running event.

On New Year’s Day, Lanjingling members witnessed the first dawn of 2021 on the running track. Every anum since 2015’s first ever ‘蒸蒸日上’ event, Lanjingling has been an active and loyal part of this event. 30 Lanjingling members joined this year, 5 teams in the 21.6 km division and 4 in the 5.4 km division.

Fitness 100
Lanjingling ‘Fitness 100’ accessible fitness development project: retrospects and outlooks
In 2020, public gathering was banned since April due to the coronavirus outbreak. To adapt to the new quarantined environment, Lanjingling prepped for new ways of making sporting accessible, encouraging small-scale running activities, and establishing an online ‘Virtual Fitness’ platform.

From May to August, thanks to the utmost support from coach Aidon and Core’s fitness gym, 11 Virtual Fitness events were carried out.
At this stage, visually impaired participants followed the development program scheduled by Aidon, learned back exercises, push-ups, plank, and other common floor exercises. Participants were able to adjust their bodily conditions and improve on athletic mobility, gradually becoming qualified for a well-rounded sports person.

从2020年9月9日始,看健100无障碍健身项目正式启动。 On September 9th, 2020, ‘Fitness 100’ accessible fitness development project officially launched.
Lanjingling stepped into the gym and under the guidance of Aidon tried some unfunctional gym instruments and the treadmill, allowing them to complete their training schedules safely and independently.

Throughout these activities, we saw their need and desire of fitness and public life, and discovered their capabilities as well.
We hope that more fitness enthusiasts will join us in ‘Fitness 100’. Let the fitness dream of the visually impaired become reality and let fitness squeeze into a page of their favorite book.
The 14th through 17th Fitness 100 events were carried out in Wednesdays every week at Core’s fitness club. Those who participate regularly got familiar with gym equipment and additionally developed personal training schedules and started completing these focused fitness targets.
100 Days Engagement
At the 4th counseling session on January 4th, counselor Jin Shi and Xiaoyu Liu resolved the questions that their tutees beforehand asked, mainly on communication, stress management, changing environment, and time management.

On January 10th, the 5th professional counseling session, the first stage of the ‘100 Day Engagement Program’ was evaluated upon, counseling statistics were reviewed and homework was critically commented upon by counselor Ms. Nizi.

In the 6th professional counseling session on January 17th ‘Disabled Heroes – On Mental Flexibility in Fusion Workplace, visually impaired psychological consultant and current PhD student at NTNU Junyi Zhu shared his thoughts and feelings as on of the pioneers of Fusion Workplace, metaphorically describing the process of finding a job as a disabled person as the journey in gaming to beat up the Boss. With the sharing of his own experiences, he talked about the three themes of self-motivation, discrimination and the dilemma of being helped, and accessibility-indifferent mindset.

1月24日第7期专业辅导课,由Ada老师带来 “如何讲好你自己的故事”,Ada老师从自己的故事讲起,真诚聆听学员们的反馈,互动中,学员们了解、加深了讲好故事需要注意的3个要点:从听众角度出发、建立真诚联系、积极细心准备。
The 7th professional counseling session on January 24th involved teacher Ada around the topic ‘How to Tell a Compelling Story’. Ada started from her own stories and asked for students’ thoughts and feelings. Though interaction, participants were made aware of the three key points of telling a compelling story: from the listener’s perspective, establish an honest linkage, heartful preparation.

In the 8th counseling session on January 31st, Ms. Ni introduced the DISC persona model and public relations, and methodologies on effective communication based on DISC analysis.

At the same time, counselors also carried out individual counseling sessions and small grouped classes in response to the wills of the participants.

Special Events

At the 6-year anniversary celebration, many visually impaired members were interviewed on-site by Alipay. They collected accessibility-related qualitative and quantitative data specifically on the phone system, consumer age group, and frequency of usage.
活动后,支付宝无障碍团队和蓝睛灵支付宝体验官们建立起主题微信群开展后续交流。感谢支付宝无障碍团队赠送的大礼包,更感谢无障碍团队的伙伴们快速、有效地响应无障碍调整需求。 此处引用公众号“无障碍设计小组”上的一句话来分享对无障碍的观点:无障碍,是每个人都被世界善待。
After the event, Alipay’s accessibility team and Lanjingling’s ‘CXO’s built a WeChat group chat for future contacts. Thanks for the gift packs released by Alipay group, and thanks to the members of Alipay’s accessibility team on responsively and effectively adjusting the system according to disability-related needs. ‘Accessible Design Team’ said it just perfect: accessibility, is when the world is kind to everyone.
Lanjingling's Colorful Lives

About beYoureyeS:
beYoureyeS is a charitable activity, launched in Shanghai in January 2015, is devoted to promoting the concept of sports accessibility, making it possible for persons with visually impairments.
Everyone attending our activities calls each other Lanijngling, no matter what kind of physical condition he or she is in, and that is where our NGO’s name came from.
We believe that everyone can participate in sports freely and naturally, can enjoy the happiness, freedom and well-being derived from sports.
We organize diverse activities, encourage all walks of life to participate in sports and cross-border, and ultimately be aware of human dignity.
We know that the road to follow requires a heart of the Ironman, needs physical strength and endurance, wisdom and courage, patience and time.
Thank you for your support and your company along the way.
Experiential Philanthropy Activity, CSR Activity, School Inclusive Activity, Adaptive Sports Race beYoureyeS+100:
Fitness 100、Rope 100、100Days Engagement
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.